Mastering Filtering in Swift: A Step-by-Step Guide to Letting Users Filter a Swift Data Model using an @State Date
Image by Sevanna -

Mastering Filtering in Swift: A Step-by-Step Guide to Letting Users Filter a Swift Data Model using an @State Date

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Filtering data is an essential aspect of creating a user-friendly and interactive app. In Swift, you can achieve this by leveraging the power of @State and Date properties. In this article, we’ll delve into the world of filtering and explore how to let users filter a Swift data model using an @State Date.

Understanding the Basics: @State and Date Properties

Before we dive into the implementation, let’s quickly review the basics. @State is a property wrapper in Swift that creates a source of truth for a value. It’s used to store and manage state in your app. On the other hand, Date represents a specific point in time, which is essential for filtering data based on dates.

@State private var selectedDate: Date = Date()

In the above code snippet, we’ve declared a @State property called selectedDate, which is initialized with the current date.

Setting Up the Data Model

Let’s assume we have a simple data model called `Event` with properties like `id`, `title`, and `startDate`. We’ll use this model to demonstrate filtering based on the `startDate` property.

struct Event: Identifiable, Codable {
    let id = UUID()
    var title: String
    var startDate: Date

We’ve created a simple `Event` struct with the necessary properties. Note that we’ve made it conform to `Identifiable` and `Codable` to make it easier to work with.

Creating a Sample Data Set

Let’s create a sample data set to work with. We’ll create an array of `Event` objects with different `startDate` values.

@State private var events: [Event] = [
    Event(title: "Event 1", startDate: Date().addingTimeInterval(-86400)), // Yesterday
    Event(title: "Event 2", startDate: Date()), // Today
    Event(title: "Event 3", startDate: Date().addingTimeInterval(86400)), // Tomorrow
    Event(title: "Event 4", startDate: Date().addingTimeInterval(172800)), // 2 days from now
    Event(title: "Event 5", startDate: Date().addingTimeInterval(-172800)) // 2 days ago

We’ve created an array of `Event` objects with different `startDate` values, ranging from yesterday to 2 days from now.

Implementing Filtering using @State Date

Now that we have our data model and sample data set, let’s implement filtering using the `@State` `selectedDate` property.

Step 1: Create a Filtering Function

We’ll create a function that filters the `events` array based on the `selectedDate` property. This function will return a new array of `Event` objects that match the selected date.

func filterEvents(by date: Date) -> [Event] {
    return events.filter { $0.startDate ≥ date && $0.startDate < date.addingTimeInterval(86400) }

In this function, we're using the `filter` method to iterate over the `events` array and return a new array that contains only the events whose `startDate` falls within the selected date range (i.e., the selected date and the next 24 hours).

Step 2: Update the filteredEvents @State Property

We'll create a new `@State` property called `filteredEvents` and update it whenever the `selectedDate` property changes.

@State private var filteredEvents: [Event] = []

var body: some View {
    // ...
    .onChange(of: selectedDate) { _ in
        filteredEvents = filterEvents(by: selectedDate)

We've created a new `filteredEvents` @State property and updated it using the `onChange` modifier, which listens for changes to the `selectedDate` property. Whenever the `selectedDate` property changes, we call the `filterEvents` function and update the `filteredEvents` property with the new filtered array.

Displaying the Filtered Data

Finally, let's display the filtered data using a `List` or `ForEach` view.

List {
    ForEach(filteredEvents) { event in
        VStack(alignment: .leading) {
            Text(event.startDate, style: .date)

We've used a `List` view to display the filtered events, with each event displaying its `title` and `startDate` properties.

Adding a Date Picker

To let users select a date, we'll add a `DatePicker` view to our interface.

DatePicker("Select a date", selection: $selectedDate)

We've added a `DatePicker` view with a label and bound it to the `selectedDate` property using the `$` symbol. This allows the user to select a date, which will then update the `filteredEvents` property and display the filtered data.

Putting it All Together

Here's the complete code implementing filtering using an @State Date property:

struct EventFilterView: View {
    @State private var events: [Event] = [
        // ...

    @State private var selectedDate: Date = Date()
    @State private var filteredEvents: [Event] = []

    var body: some View {
        VStack {
            DatePicker("Select a date", selection: $selectedDate)

            List {
                ForEach(filteredEvents) { event in
                    VStack(alignment: .leading) {
                        Text(event.startDate, style: .date)
        .onChange(of: selectedDate) { _ in
            filteredEvents = filterEvents(by: selectedDate)

    func filterEvents(by date: Date) -> [Event] {
        return events.filter { $0.startDate ≥ date && $0.startDate < date.addingTimeInterval(86400) }

We've successfully implemented filtering using an @State Date property, allowing users to select a date and view the corresponding events.


In this article, we've explored the world of filtering in Swift, focusing on how to let users filter a Swift data model using an @State Date property. By following these steps, you can create interactive and user-friendly apps that make data filtering a breeze. Remember to experiment with different filtering algorithms and data models to take your app to the next level!

Keyword Description
@State A property wrapper in Swift that creates a source of truth for a value.
Date A type that represents a specific point in time.
Identifiable A protocol that allows an entity to have a unique identifier.
Codable A protocol that allows an entity to be encoded and decoded.
DatePicker A view that allows users to select a date and time.
  • Mastering filtering in Swift
  • Using @State and Date properties for filtering
  • Implementing filtering in a Swift data model
  • Displaying filtered data using a List view
  • Adding a Date Picker to let users select a date
  1. Create a sample data set with different dates
  2. Implement a filtering function using the @State Date property
  3. Display the filtered data using a List view
  4. Add a Date Picker to let users select a date

By following these steps and guidelines, you'll be well on your way to creating interactive and user-friendly apps that make data filtering a breeze. Happy coding!

Here is the FAQ page about "How do you let the user filter a SwiftData model using an @State Date":

Frequently Asked Question

Get the answers to your most pressing questions about filtering SwiftData models using an @State Date!

How do I declare a @State Date variable to filter my SwiftData model?

To declare a @State Date variable, simply use the `@State` property wrapper and assign it a default value, like so: `@State private var selectedDate = Date()`. This creates a state variable that can be used to store the user's selected date, and can be updated as needed.

How do I use the @State Date variable to filter my SwiftData model?

To use the @State Date variable to filter your SwiftData model, you can use a combination of the `filter` method and the `$` syntax to access the underlying data. For example: `@FetchRequest var tasks: FetchedResults @FetchRequest var tasks = taskFetchRequest.filter("dueDate == %@", selectedDate)`. This will filter the tasks to only show those that match the selected date.

How do I update the @State Date variable when the user selects a new date?

To update the @State Date variable when the user selects a new date, you can use a `DatePicker` and bind it to the `@State` variable using the `$` syntax. For example: `DatePicker("Select a date", selection: $selectedDate)`. This will update the `selectedDate` variable whenever the user selects a new date.

Can I use a Range of Dates to filter my SwiftData model?

Yes! To filter your SwiftData model using a range of dates, you can use the `filter` method with a predicate that specifies the date range. For example: `@FetchRequest var tasks: FetchedResults @FetchRequest var tasks = taskFetchRequest.filter("dueDate >= %@ AND dueDate <= %@", startDate, endDate)`. This will filter the tasks to only show those that fall within the specified date range.

How do I handle errors when filtering my SwiftData model using an @State Date?

To handle errors when filtering your SwiftData model using an @State Date, you can use a `try`-`catch` block to catch and handle any errors that may occur during the filtering process. For example: `do { try tasks = taskFetchRequest.filter("dueDate == %@", selectedDate) } catch { print("Error filtering tasks: \(error)") }`. This will catch any errors that occur during the filtering process and print an error message to the console.